Savignon Blanc
Does this boxelder bowl say fresh cut grass and a chilled glass of Savignon Blanc in a glass?
Little wine info for you, Sauvignon Blanc is one of the most popular white wines in the U.S. It’s often referred to as “grassy,” because of it’s refreshing crispness.
Dimensions: 11” D x 2” H.
Does this boxelder bowl say fresh cut grass and a chilled glass of Savignon Blanc in a glass?
Little wine info for you, Sauvignon Blanc is one of the most popular white wines in the U.S. It’s often referred to as “grassy,” because of it’s refreshing crispness.
Dimensions: 11” D x 2” H.
Does this boxelder bowl say fresh cut grass and a chilled glass of Savignon Blanc in a glass?
Little wine info for you, Sauvignon Blanc is one of the most popular white wines in the U.S. It’s often referred to as “grassy,” because of it’s refreshing crispness.
Dimensions: 11” D x 2” H.